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Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Y'all got me to over 30,000 views today!

So, I worked out some of my religious issues with my friend in Preston, England and managed to get myself to church last Sunday. Let's just say it didn't go well. I could give you my rant about Utahans, but what good would that do either of us? All I'll say is that not one single person talked to me or even acknowledged my existence. Even when three people bumped into me, I was invisible.

Needless to say, I'm not itching to go back. But I made a vow to myself to give church three good tries, so I'll try two more times, and if those bomb, I'm going the way of my friend in Texas. He never felt at home in a church, so he says his relationship with God is an internal one. Personal rather than going to church. Not going to church doesn't mean you don't have faith. Some belief systems have no organized churches. Doesn't mean there's no faith.

I've said before how faith in whatever you choose is crucial to your mental wellbeing. I choose Christianity. I frankly don't care if you worship the fly that landed on your food... just have faith in something. Practice your faith daily. Make it the most important part of your day. Make it enjoyable. I personally find solace in prayer and scripture study. It makes me feel like I'm not being judged for just a few minutes a day. Whatever you believe, act on it. Faith isn't stationary.

(I'll try to make this segue work, but no promises...)

Another thing that is crucial to your mental wellbeing is your physical wellbeing. I learned that Alcoholics Anonymous has the anagram HALT. It stands for four things you should never let yourself get too much of-- Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
  • Food is big when it comes to controlling your moods. We've all heard of getting hangry. It's not good. Lower glucose foods can help even out moods. A good way of thinking about it is "What can a diabetic eat?" 
  • Try to control your anger. Don't indulge it because acting on anger only increases the emotion.
  • Always have a way to contact a friend. Even texting can help.
  • Sleep when you're tired. Naps aren't just for kids.
I've been exercising lately, too, and it's done wonders for my mood! I've got more energy, my depression is way down, and my bum leg is getting stronger! I may even be able to dance again eventually!

Now that you've been reading for three and a half hours... my point is take care of you. Spiritually and physically. You'll feel much better.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post- personally I have taken the route as your friend from Texas has. You identified wonderful tips in order to stay healthy- both mentally and physically. I am happy about your progress and pray that you will progressively get better enough to start dancing again because I know you love it.

