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Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Here goes...

I met with my case manager today, and she gave me a blogging assignment. This is new for me and I hope this doesn't turn out like a boring school assignment.

Today, we talked about Brooke and the Hell she put me through. We made a list of things that those years with it (yes, it. It doesn't get the right to be a "her") left me with.
  1. I don't believe in myself
  2. I don't trust others
  3. I'm overly apologetic
  4. I allow her to take my power from me
  5. I'm hurting relationships I don't even have yet
  6. I'm waiting around to continue being a victim
And a couple others that I can't remember, but the point she made at the end was what got me. She wrote on the board (not exactly quoted, but close enough),
I am enough if I allow myself to be me.
So... the point was made that I still have negative thoughts toward myself. This is where her challenge came in. She challenged me to counter every single negative thought with a positive one. I've blogged before about trying to be more positive, but I guess I haven't really been doing that well with it.
Now... I can't do this on my own. I'm going to need y'all to do it with me. That's right! I'm challenging you to counter every negative thought with a positive one. DO IT!
"Cinderblock Garden"~ All Time Low

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