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Wednesday, May 26, 2021


I'm not a patient person...

OK, readers... Once again, I have applied for an absolutely wonderful job, and I'm awaiting their answer. I got the first interview, the second interview, and the request for my references (again, thanks Kappas!), and I'm going nuts, waiting on a phone call.

The seriously lucky people who will be offered positions, will hear between May 24 (which has passed), and June 7. Two solid weeks of nail-biting anxiety, going back and forth from, "I screwed it up, as usual," to "I think I have a chance!" Not a fun place to be.

Understand that this is an absolutely incredible opportunity, with an incredible company! So, the more time that passes, the more nervous I get. This has created problems.

I haven't been sleeping well, I've been more attached to my phone than a teenager trying to get Tik Tok famous, and despite my exercise routine, I've gained weight, thanks to all the junk food I shove in my mouth. 

Did I mention that this is an absolutely incredible opportunity???

I haven't been this nervous about a potential job in... well, ever. It would completely change my life, in the best ways possible! 

On the bright side, I've been working on a story I've been writing. 99.9% sure it'll never get published, but I'm entertained by it! I've also been advancing on both piano and cello, and my Dutch, Welsh, Irish, and Greek are all coming along nicely. All because of my nervous energy. Put that energy to good use, if you find yourself with an excess of it. You'd be surprised what you can do!

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