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Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Absolutely Not

I will not tolerate it.

I had a friend who was never really a friend, but on my Facebook friends because of mutual friends. We all have those. When we first met, he was super cool. Very chill, considerate, and wise. Over the last few years, that completely changed.

See, people with functioning adult brains don't get upset if you vote differently than they do. I know this because I'm a Republican and have many friends who are Democrats. We don't bring it up because guess what... you are more than your political opinions! Shocker, I know. This dude doesn't get that.

A while ago, he posted a thing about "If you needed a reason to block me" and it had a bunch of far-left statements. I, having that functional adult brain, commented that I didn't care about that, and that we were still friends. That's the day I learned that he wasn't just Democrat, or even far-left. He has become radical leftist. He and his friends, with their false and entirely inaccurate accusations, got their knickers in a twist like I'd never seen. I had to turn off notifications because their wildly unhinged ideas about what Republicans believe were both comic and frustrating.

After that, he would only react and comment on any of my posts that he felt the need to argue on. Never, ever anything else. That's when I changed my post settings to "friends except" him. I'm not going to delete him over politics. That's a temper tantrum tactic used by these radical leftists that I simply don't understand. 

Then there was yesterday...

I got a notification that this guy laughed at a comment I had made on a random video where I was defending my faith. The video beeped out many words, the least offensive of which was "drugs," but thought that the blasphemous abuse of the name of our Lord and Savior was ok. Fun fact: Jesus Christ is Lord, not a curse or exclamatory phrase.

This guy, this supposed friend, saw my comment, with my name, and made the executive decision to mock my faith. That's the line that I will not move. If you don't believe in Christianity, that's your choice. But you will NOT mock my faith and remain in my life.

I have been mocked my entire life. From my narcissistic family members, to other kids at school, to teachers, and even coworkers and bosses. None of these have ever mocked my faith. I decided a long time ago that I'm not going to keep people around who mock me. Mock me, get deleted. Mock my faith, get blocked.

To this guy's friends and family who may read this: I'm willing to bet that he'll tell you a story of how the Republican couldn't deal with his views, deleting him because of how petty Republicans are. This is 10000000000000000000% FALSE. He made the decision to be a jerk. He made the decision to mock me. He made the decision to mock my faith. He's been blocked from my life for being a massive jerk directly to me, not because of how his ballot looks.

His goal was to hurt me, then make me look bad for blocking him. Classic narcissistic behavior. I will not be treated this way, and I will not tolerate blatant mocking of my faith. End of sentence.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. No one has the right to mock someone's beliefs. EslEspecially
