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Friday, October 23, 2015

That Friend

I had an amazing day!

One of my best friends came into town and I got to spend the whole day with her! We went to the mall, had lunch, and went to a movie; it was awesome! Wanna know the best part? My anxiety was practically dormant all day.

I've heard some people say that their symptoms are lessened when around certain people, but I've never quite believed it. I mean, how can having that one person there make the crowds and noises okay somehow? It sounds weird, but it's true! I mean, until we got to the ridiculously crowded and loud restaurant where we met up with her mom... Nothing can make that kind of noise okay.

For the first time in, well I don't even remember how long, I can't say one bad thing about my day. My mood was better than it has been, my anxiety was well-controlled, it was just an all-around good day!

My point is...  we all need someone in our lives that we can be 100% ourselves around without fear of judgment. If you don't have one, I beg you to open up to someone. Holding back is exhausting.

"Rescue"~ The Summer Set