My mom is so far gone, that she no longer even mentions that something it has done, is inconvenient for her and myself. She is so afraid of its tantrums, that she keeps her mouth shut. That is, until I challenge whatever is going on. Then she gets angry, and yells that she doesn’t want to be in the middle. So... you’ll take the side of the overly-controlling jackass, just to avoid its wrath, but you’re fine taking it out on me? Remind me why I fight for you, again...
This most recent battle is because of the ever-increasing laziness of the jackass. It is too lazy to open the cupboard, reach up, grab what it needs, and close the cupboard, so it has to have a special bowl of these things on the counter. The counter which it continually screams "MUST BE KEPT CLEAR!!!!!" But that only applies to jackasses. One day, very soon, it will learn what I will do to fight back.
As I’ve mentioned before, if you indulge someone’s personality disorder, it does so much more damage than you could imagine. You cannot tolerate even the tiniest behaviors, or you wind up in emotional prison. Every single time you think, “It’s not that bad”, is one more step towards total domination. You’ve heard “A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step”? It’s the same with personality disorders. For every concession you make, the other gets a step ahead. This goes for all personality disorders.
What happens when you make a single sympathetic comment to an overreaction voiced by a person with Borderline Personality Disorder? You feed the fire, and they will soon expect sympathy for a lost eyelash.
What happens when you allow a hoarder to leave something in the corner “for now”? That person will gradually leave more and more things in places “for now”, until you can’t breathe inside your home.
What happens when you give allowance to a narcissistic demand? All hell breaks loose. Narcissists are far from subtle, and far from capable of compromising. It will take over in less than a week, and it will dig its claws into you so deep, and so fast, that you won’t even notice until someone points it out. I know, you’re thinking, “If it’s that fast, how can someone not notice?” Welp, allow me to use an example... When you get a paper cut on the pad of your finger, you usually notice, but it won’t hurt immediately. Once that hand sanitizer hits it, it’s all you think about. However, no bandaid on earth will release you from the pain and control inflicted by a narcissist.
I will continue to pray for the quick, and extremely painful, death of this sad excuse of a human. That day, I will laugh, and dance, and party. However, I won’t give it a single thought for the rest of my life. It’ll be like having a cancerous tumor removed. Or, for all my Doctor Who nerds, the Narc is like a Silence.
That’s all.