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Friday, May 8, 2015

Smoke, But No Mirrors

This isn't going to be like anything I've ever done.

With the weather getting nice, I like to drive around with my window open. I like to stick my arm out and feel the breeze. I like how my hair moves. I like a lot of things, but every time I get around a smoker, I have to roll up my window.

They will argue that it is their right to smoke, which it is, but what about the right of those who don't smoke to breathe?

There are two things all smokers know, but choose to ignore: 1~ It is harmful to yourself, 2~ It is harmful to those around. If you knowingly hurt yourself any other way, you would be put on a suicide watch. If you knowingly tried to hurt someone else any other way, you'd be arrested. Why, then, do we allow smokers to roam free?

With the knowledge that they are harming everyone around, they should be arrested and charged with attempted murder (first degree murder for all those non-smokers who die of lung cancer), and if kids are around, child endangerment. It may sound harsh, but everyone around is inhaling the smoke, not just the person who made the decision to light up. If someone were to inject heroine into your system without your consent, do you think that person would get away with it? If a parent had a meth lab in the house, do you think they'd keep the kids? The only difference between smoke and illicit drugs is the rate at which they kill.

I recently lived (vicariously) the last days of a beautiful soul who passed away due to lung cancer, having never smoked a day in her life. She left her young family, her parents and siblings, and many friends behind. I don't know for fact if it was caused by second hand smoke, but think of all those who die because of someone else's choice.

Just as driving drunk or high, you made the decision... why should someone else suffer the consequences?

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