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Friday, June 26, 2015

The Struggle Is Real


So, I had my appointment with my psychiatrist a couple days back and we upped my medication. Doubled it, actually. I started the new, higher dose last night and I'm doing my best to function.

I slept for thirteen hours last night and only got up because I thought it was a bit pathetic to still be in bed at eleven o'clock. I wish I'd just stayed there because I've been freakishly tired the whole four hours I've been up. My brain isn't loving this new dose, either. I'm having trouble with the whole, words-putting-into-sentence-doing. Fun example: I had to retype the word "into" six times because I kept hitting the wrong keys. I also just had to fix "fun" because I spelt "fen," instead.

I went through this when I started the medication initially and my body adjusted fairly quickly. I'm hoping the same thing will happen as the dose continues to get raised.

Since I can't think of anything else to say on that, here's just a couple of reminders...
  • You can sign up for email notifications so that when I post, Blogger sends you an email. That's not going to stop me from posting it everywhere, but it could potentially be easier for you.
  • I'm on Twitter. My Twitter handle... name... thingy... is @AROTBEblog.
  • Facebook group here (hope that actually works). Side note: I hate that Facebook is 99% politics now, so please keep all of that out.
  • You are all fabulous!

I'm too tired and not functioning enough to find a relevant song...
"Courtesy of The Red, White, and Blue (The Angry American)"~ Toby Keith

1 comment:

  1. Following on Facebook.... don't own a twitter. Hopefully they can change the dosage to make you feel a bit better.... feeling like a zombie is no fun. I felt zombish when I was prescribed Zyrtec and Amitryptoline (probably spelled wrong)... needless to say... they are now on my "avoid list" ~Kierstin. Posting as anonymous because I don't have any of those other type of comment accounts
