This is why I never look up.
So, a couple years ago, one of my besties slapped me in the face by telling me "I love you." This made me question my whole existence. Then, when I started posting about this, other friends spoke up, showing me that, yes, some people actually like me. Like, maybe I'm not just the pity friend they only keep around because they feel bad for me!
This, as you can imagine, took a wicked long time to even begin to break my stubborn, thick skull. But all the work that has been done has been so quickly undone.
I've reconnected with so many friends from school after explaining how it was, in fact, me pushing them away rather than them being the problem. I explained how warped my brain has been by a lifetime of narcissistic abuse, and how I really want to get to know these people as adults. Most... don't care.
They have accepted friend requests on Facebook, but never react to or comment on anything I post unless I tag them in it. They react to and comment on loads of other people's stuff, though. My personal favorite snub is the "like."
I have told so many of these friends how I'm there for them, I care about them, how if they need anything they can call, and I sympathize with their struggles. Without fail, I get a "like" and at best a, "thank you." The other comments from their other friends? Those get a ❤️ and fawning. "Oh, thank you! You are so thoughtful! Just knowing you're here makes me feel better!"
Every freaking time I feel better, see the bright side, or anything good happens to me... it drops, and the fallout is worse than the situation was before. Every. Time. Without fail.
I'm a grown woman, crying at the kitchen table because now I know that how I feel is actually reality. I am, indeed, an obligation. I'm the pity friend. I'm the annoyance you don't need or want but are too polite to say so.
So, no. I will not be, as I see it, begging for your friendship anymore. I have never been popular, and now that I'm grown, I don't feel the need to be. I do, however, expect the same care and respect that I show you.
If you don't want to be in my life-- if you need an out so you don't feel awkward about saying so-- this is it. No hard feelings. I'd rather have zero contact than be brushed off as the obvious obligation I am.
To my friends who actually DO like me, I'll talk with you soon.