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Monday, January 11, 2021

Max Level Stupidity

People will never cease to amuse me with their stupidity.

Living in Utah comes with so many ignorant and sheltered people to laugh at. No, it’s not the norm, as most people would like to believe, but it’s still quite common.

My absolute favorite reaction most people have is actually towards coffee. I don’t drink alcohol (for many reasons I won’t get into), but I do drink coffee. When people smell my coffee, it’s almost like they’re seeing one of those Brazilian jungle tribes— new and foreign and strange. It’s funny.

There are so many people here, mostly members of a certain religion, who know literally nothing outside their church. Again: not the norm. I knew one lady who didn’t even know her neighbor had a dog. Yeah... that dog would bark day and night, and she was two houses down. Hard to miss. There are also those members of that church who can’t identify differing beliefs of other Christian denominations. I’m actually embarrassed for those people. I was raised in that church, but my parents are far more aware (my father being mostly more aware of himself, though). My mom is a representation of the norm for those church members— not all head-in-the-sand.

The reason for this post is because of a car theft I read about. 

As anyone with an ounce of common sense knows, you don’t leave your car running, and unlocked, while you run inside. Not even for thirty seconds. Around here, you’re basically telling criminals that they’re welcome to your $30,000 property. Every single day, there are reports of cars being stolen, thanks to people’s naivety. Every. Single. Day. Why it still happens, well, that’s a mystery that can’t ever be solved. Everyone sees these reports, but somehow think it won’t happen to them. Then, when it does, inevitably happen, they’re baffled and angry. 

I commented on that person’s post, calling out that it was partially their fault (when we all know it was entirely their own fault), and now I’m waiting for the backlash, and accusations of “victim blaming”. Well... when it’s the victim’s fault, then they have to take the blame. Common Sense: 101.

Why did I make a comment that I know will cause drama? Because, dear readers, I’m currently battling a full-blown manic episode. No, mania didn’t compel me to write it; mania took my inhibitions, and threw them in the fire. Mania makes me do and say things that I’d normally bite my tongue on. This time around, I’ve been trying desperately to keep my thoughts to myself, but it has proven to be more difficult than I can handle. I’m actually afraid that I’ll let someone have it, while I’m at work, and I’ll lose my job. I’ve been okay, so far, but keep your fingers crossed! 

No, I will not mention the “terrifying” disorder to anyone, not even my extremely understanding manager. I don’t want it to be a factor in my work. I’ve got more meds, as of tonight, and will continue to do my best.


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