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I have found the world's best mac & cheese!

Friday, January 8, 2021

As Close As Sisters

That has a very different meaning to me than it does for most.

A while ago, I told you about the genetically similar human I was forced to call “sister”. She was the type of sister that makes you wonder how I survived childhood. She bullied me as much, if not more than, the kids at school. The worst part about that is, once in a while, she’d be nice to me, then hit harder.

She’s done some absolutely terrible things to me, but the worst, in my book, is something that can’t ever be forgiven.

Christmas 2010. I had had the major surgery on my leg on December 20, and was still is horrific pain on Christmas Day. She and her husband were over, as usual, and it was a nice day (the parts I was awake for, anyhow). That night, and for weeks after, my life was absolute hell.

When I went to take my dose of painkillers, there was a bottle missing. We looked all over, but never found it. They were on my bedside table, so the area they could have fallen to, was rather small. You can probably already guess where this is going...

She never admitted to it, nor do I ever expect her to come clean, but we all know she took them. I had three bottles: Valium, Percocet, and OxyContin. She couldn’t take the Percocet, no... She had to take the Oxy. The stronger of the two pain killers. Yeah... I had just had my leg surgically broken, twisted, had a rod shoved down it, and screws in my ankle and up by my knee. Real comfy.

For the next few weeks, I had to space out what she graciously left me, and the pain had me crying just about all day long. That was the epitome of A- selfishness, and B- addict. 

She subsequently took two more bottles of pain killers, which I didn’t get because I wanted a nice trip. I had some things that were only helped by those, but she thought she needed them more than I did. You know addicts.

No, I will never forgive her for this. Even if she goes to therapy, or some kind of recovery, and she makes amends for every other thing she’s done to me. She left me writhing in agony, because she thought only of herself. As usual.

Mick, I pray you know the kind of pain you me put me through- both physical and mental. And get some help. You need it. Really. For your narcissistic tendencies, if nothing else. Maybe then, you’ll have real friends, instead of people you dispose of when they’ve got tired of giving. Chronic takers aren’t lovable.

1 comment:

  1. I hope she gets help as well. It really sucks that she is like that... a liar, thief and narcissistic. Thankfully you turned out to be an amazing human being and friend.
