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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Politics, Anyone?

Self discovery is annoying sometimes...

For as long as I can remember, I have had panic attacks when I get angry or try to stand up for myself. It's not a pretty sight and it just makes the situation worse.

Fun example: A few years back, I got the front end of my car taken off by an imbecile who... well I'll spare you the details. ANYWAY... needless to say, I was raging! I got out of the car, already shaking, and when he tried to blame me, I started shouting and eventually got to a place where I couldn't do anything.

I have finally figured out why. My entire life, I have been punished in some way or another when I would get angry. At home, well, let's just say my father has never been "daddy." (Don't you dare let your thoughts wander down Abuse Alley!) At school, Brooke and her lemmings would just egg it on and when I'd get home in a bad mood... Not to mention the school psychologist who literally locked me in her office and cut me off from any social interaction.

I learnt that anger is an emotion that was punished at a very young age. Yay epiphany...

Now with all the ridiculous political crap that's going on, I get pretty upset just looking on Facebook or Twitter. There are accounts on Twitter who have made it their mission to end bullying. Kudos! However, now with the SCOTUS decision, these people seem to think it's alright to bully anyone who supports traditional marriage. I'm going to say this once...

Free speech is not limited to one point of view. Support for traditional marriage is OK! Support for LGBT marriage is OK! Not supporting one or the other is also OK! I promise.

Life would be so much less irritating if there weren't so many people who are perpetually offended. I hate politics because there is yes and there is no. I try not to get involved, but this one is getting beyond ridiculous. If you don't make your profile look like a bag of Skittles spilled, suddenly you're homophobic.

I've got friends all over every imaginable spectrum. I don't care what your preferences are, what colour your skin is, or what religion you are or aren't... I respect people. The only label anyone should ever be given is "person."

Well... that took a very different turn than I intended... I'm going to end it here.

This song has been stuck in my head for days!
"Appreciated"~ Rixton

1 comment:

  1. That is such an awesome point! I was taught, as a child that it was ok to cry but not to be angry. So rather then expressing my anger in a positive way, such as by defending myself or drawing boundaries in clear communication my first impulse as an adult is to stifle my anger until it comes out in explosive crying. I've tried to learn to communicate my anger and to adress the issue specifically and immediately, but my success varies.
