Today, I had an interview for a job that sounds absolutely perfect. I would be a photographer for the company who does school pictures in my area. Yes, I would be getting paid to play with a camera all day. I've been jumping hoops since high school to get a job in one of the fields I find interesting (photography and criminal justice), and I finally got the opportunity! I was even offered the job right there on the spot!
This is great, right? I'd get paid to play with a camera all day, get paid to drive all over to set up, and get to act like an idiot to make kids smile! Sounds perfect! Well, perfect except for the fact that it's full-time and ridiculously public...
As I was driving home, those two little things sank in and I got nauseous. I could barely handle eighteen hours a week with the same kids every day, how am I going to handle more than twice the hours with hundreds of different kids each day?
Photography has always been a connection for me, so maybe it would be fine, but the tiny voice in the back of my brain still says, "you're not ready for this." Anyone who knows me knows that I want a full-time job; I don't want to job hop every three months.
This is a rather precarious situation... If I take the job, my disability claim goes out the window. Granted, I'm not excited to get labeled "disabled," and would much rather work than be a government dependent, but if the job doesn't work out, I'm back at square one with a claim.
I really don't know what to do...
"Dream Big"~ Ryan Shupe & The Rubberband
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