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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Don't Stand Out, Don't Fit In

This post has been edited because it was mean. I'm sorry.

I'm still manic, so this could get weird...

It's no secret that I have trust issues. I've been betrayed, stabbed in the back, and abandoned by those who supposedly care about me, and it's happening again. Bright side: She told me.

The therapist I've been working with is the best therapist I've ever been with, but she's an intern and graduating next month. I've been working with her since late August of last year and I didn't actually open up until February. That's about six moths of seeing her every week and having to talk about things I don't even admit to myself. I'm not exactly excited to start over again with someone new.

Bad segue in 3... 2... 1...

One time, during session, I got rambling about how whenever I tell people about something I like and suggest that they check it out, I almost always get something along the lines of "that sucked." Music is my world and I don't stick to just one genre, I listen to all types (except metal and rap because, well, those aren't music). I have more music than most people even know exists because I listen to different things.

I've got some people in my life who won't accept anything I suggest, calling it "stupid," or saying, "yeah, no" and moving on. These things mean something to me and they've just been brushed off.

I have always been incredibly accepting of individuality, so these people irritate me to no end. "Why do you still talk to them," you ask? Because I'm the good friend. Always have been, always will be. I don't care how you dress, what music you listen to, or what your religious beliefs are, I like you for you. If you have something that means so much to you that you want to share it with me, I listen. All I ask is that you do the same for me, because one day, I will get fed up.

"Weird"~ Hanson (try actually listening to the lyrics)

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