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Friday, April 10, 2015

It Works!

I must share!

Last time I saw my therapist, she told me about a technique she learnt from an article written by a neurologist on how to get better sleep.

Background: A big part of what happens when you sleep is that the blood recirculates throughout the body. You legs are the biggest part of that process. What this neurologist (wish I knew who!) suggested was to sit flat against the wall with your legs straight up (yes, up) for thirty minutes right before bed. No getting up for water, bathroom, anything.

Well, I (as usual) was having a hard time getting to sleep last night thanks to my ever running brain, so I decided to try this. I grabbed a book (I actually had to search for one that didn't include murder and the subsequent investigation), got sideways on my bed (because I have no floor-to-wall space), and propped my legs up. Granted, I only made it twenty minutes before one of my feet went numb, but I still noticed a difference!

Now, I didn't get to sleep any faster, but the few hours I got were much more restful! This neurologist did a study with people doing this every night and concluded that those who did, felt like they got two whole hours more sleep than those who didn't, even though they may have gotten the same number of hours. Basically, the people who did this felt more rested.

Now, since I woke up in such a good mood, I give you a blast from my high school past!

"Accidentally In Love"~ Counting Crows

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